Zeekri 007 Marshrutga erishadi: 10,000Jihoz Xitoyda ishlab chiqarish liniyasidan chiqib ketdi
“Zeekr Celebrates Milestone: 10,000th Zeekr 007 Sedan Rolls off Production Line in Just 56 Days”

Zeekri 007
In a recent announcement on Weibo and Twitter, Zeekri shared the exciting news that the 10,000th Zeekri 007 sedan has successfully completed its production journey. Achieving this remarkable feat in a mere 56 days reflects a significant acceleration in production compared to previous Zeekr models.
Lin Jinwen, Vice President of Zeekr, had earlier projected delivery figures of 5,000 uchun 6,000 units for the Zeekr 007 yanvar oyida. Reports suggest that the company is aiming to surpass the sales of the Tesla Model 3 bu yil, particularly in the Chinese market.
Zeekr had previously disclosed receiving an impressive 51,569 orders in the 40 days leading up to the 007’s launch in December.
Zeekr 007 boasts dimensions of 4865/1900/1450 mm (length/width/height) with a wheelbase of 2928mm and a curb weight of 2,150 kg. Customers can choose between two batteries – the in-house developed Golden Battery or the CATL-supplied Qilin. The 75 kWh Golden Battery, a lithium iron phosphate (LFP) unit, provides the 007 CLTC diapazoni bilan 688 km. E'tiborlisi, this battery can add a 500 km range to the 007 faqat ichida 15 daqiqa, thanks to its peak charging power of 500 kVt. The 100 kWh Qilin (NCM) version offers an impressive 870 km masofa. Muhimi, the 007 is the first Zeekr model to feature an 800V architecture.
Zeekr 007 is available in both rear-wheel drive and all-wheel drive configurations, sharing the same 310 kVt (440 Nm moment) silicon carbide rear motor with the high-performance Zeekr 001 FR. The all-wheel drive variants include an additional 165 kW front motor, delivering an extra 270 Nm torque and accelerating the car from 0 uchun 100 km/soat tezlikda 2.84 soniya, ga qaraganda 5.4 seconds for the rear-wheel drive version.
The high-end versions of the Zeekr 007 feature a 90-inch light strip with over 2,400 LED lights, allowing communication with other road users. The headlight beams can reach an impressive 189 metr.
With a price range starting from 209,900 yuan (29,200 USD) and reaching up to 299,900 yuan (41,700 USD), Zeekr 007 is currently available for purchase in China, and limited sales have commenced in Europe, with plans for expansion to Mexico. Zeekri, a premium all-electric brand, is under the umbrella of Geely.