Zeekri 001 Xavfsiz 15,000+ Dastlabki davrdagi firma buyurtmalari 10 Ishga tushirish kunlari - Oxirgi yangilanishlar

Anticipating a robust response, a Zeekr executive predicted that the updated Zeekr 001 would surpass 30,000 firm orders within its inaugural month of availability.

Zeekr 001 Secures 15,000+ Firm Orders Within Initial 10 Days of Launch – Latest Updates - News - 1

According to reports from Wallstreetcn, Zeekri, the premium electric vehicle (EV) sho'ba korxonasi Geely Holding guruhi, achieved an impressive milestone with over 15,000 firm orders for the updated Zeekri 001 within the initial 10 days of its recent launch. Firm orders, characterized by a non-refundable deposit of RMB 5,000 yuan ($700), signal a strong demand for the upgraded model.

While the official order numbers were not disclosed on Zeekr’s official channels, Victor Yang, senior vice president of Geely Holding, endorsed the reported figures by retweeting the news on Weibo.

Zeekr’s Vice President, Lin Jinwen, expressed optimism about the product’s trajectory, stating on Weibo that, given the current trend of increasing firm orders, the updated Zeekr 001 is poised to exceed 30,000 firm orders in its initial month – a remarkable achievement in the current market conditions, according to Yang.

Yangilangan Zeekr 001 was officially launched on February 27, with deliveries commencing on March 1. Offering four trim levels, including two WE versions starting at RMB 269,000 yuan, an ME version at RMB 299,000, and a YOU version at RMB 329,000, the model retains its starting price while featuring discounted higher-trim versions.

Despite maintaining the exterior design of the 2023 model, the 2024 Zeekri 001 boasts significant upgrades in core specifications. E'tiborlisi, the voltage platform has been enhanced from 400 V to 800 V, resulting in faster charging times and reduced energy consumption.

Introduced on April 17, 2021, Zeekr 001 has become a bestseller for the brand, delivering 76,246 birliklar ichida 2023, constituting 64 foiz 118,685 units Zeekr delivered that year, as per data compiled by CnEVPost.

In February, Zeekr yetkazib berdi 7,510 transport vositalari, belgilash a 37.67 percent YoY increase but a 40.10 percent decrease from January, primarily attributed to the New Year holiday. Zeekr 001 hissa qo'shgan 2,663 birliklar (35.46 foiz), while the Zeekr 007 sedan contributed 4,204 birliklar (55.98 foiz).