Xpeng Maserati sotib olish haqidagi mish-mishlarni rad etadi, Qiziqishni uyg'otish

News spread rapidly across Chinese social media platforms today, suggesting that Xpeng, a prominent Chinese elektr transport vositasi (EV) ishlab chiqaruvchi, was in the process of acquiring the renowned luxury car brand, Maserati.

Xpeng Refutes Maserati Acquisition Rumors, Stirring Interest - Car News - 1

(Rasm: Xpeng G6)

Throughout this year, rumors of potential collaborations between Chinese EV startups and foreign automakers have gained traction. The most recent speculation centered on Xpeng purportedly purchasing Maserati, a name synonymous with ultra-luxury automobiles. Biroq, Xpeng has denied these claims.

In response to the rumor, the Shanghai Securities News reported today that Xpeng has categorically refuted any intentions of acquiring Maserati or engaging in relevant acquisitions in the foreseeable future.

The report did not delve into specific details regarding the rumor. Maserati, established in December 1914 and headquartered in Modena, Italiya, holds a legacy in the luxury automobile sector.

Bugun ertaroq, a screenshot shared by numerous Weibo bloggers showcased a message from an internet user within a forum, asserting that Xpeng’s acquisition of Maserati was essentially confirmed. This message suggested that an internal meeting within the EV manufacturer had clarified the impending launch of a new brand.

It’s important to highlight that Xpeng recently solidified a partnership with German automotive giant Volkswagen at the conclusion of the previous month.

Iyul holatiga ko'ra 26, both companies announced Volkswagen’s commitment to invest approximately $700 million in Xpeng, leading to the acquisition of an approximate 4.99 percent stake in the Chinese EV manufacturer.