Xiaomi go'yoki rejalarini e'lon qildi 2 Yangi Modellar, Xususiyatlar 1 Gibrid variant

Xiaomi’s Strategic Approach to Electric Vehicles: Unveiling Plans for a Hybrid Model

Xiaomi Allegedly Unveils Plans for 2 New Models, Featuring 1 Hybrid Variant - Car News - 1

Xiaomi, Xitoyning smartfon giganti, o'zining mahsulot qatorini modellar triosi bilan diversifikatsiya qilishni rejalashtirmoqda, ikkita akkumulyatorli elektr transport vositasini o'z ichiga oladi (BEVs) va strategik jihatdan joylashtirilgan gibrid model. Birinchi model, kod nomi Modenat, is slated for an official launch next year, followed by the BEV model Lemang. Uchinchi model, codenamed Kunlun, is the designated hybrid, incorporating cutting-edge technology.

While specifics about Kunlun, such as whether it will be a plug-in hybrid (PHEV) or an extended-range elektr transport vositasi (EREV), are yet to be confirmed, reports suggest Xiaomi’s move to introduce a hybrid as the third product aligns with a practical sales-boosting strategy. Industry insiders note the accelerated growth of hybrid vehicle sales in China’s new energy vehicle (NEV) bozor, outpacing traditional BEVs.

In the competitive landscape of NEVs, Xiaomi aims to shorten its new car development cycle, with plans to launch at least one new car annually. The company’s car factory in Yizhuang, Pekin, anticipates producing 300 vehicles in December, paving the way for mass production in the first quarter of the following year.

Xiaomi’s debut EV model, SU7, recently completed the regulatory approval process, marking a significant milestone. Reports indicate that mass production is scheduled to commence in December, leading to an official launch in February. Xiaomi’s commitment to innovation and rapid development reflects its ambition to make a substantial impact on the evolving electric vehicle market.