SAIC kengaytirilgan eksport sig‘imlari uchun okeanga o‘tadigan maxsus avtomobil tashuvchisini taqdim etdi.
Yaqinda yangilanishda, it was noted that a selection of Chinese automobile ishlab chiqaruvchilar, shu jumladan Chery va Nio, o'zlarining avtotransport kemalarini sotib olish niyatida edilar.
SAIC Motor Corp o'zining birinchi maxsus mo'ljallangan okean avtomobil tashuvchisi qurilishini muvaffaqiyatli yakunladi.. This achievement sets the stage for increased automobile exports from the prominent Chinese automotive titan moving forward.
The maiden custom oceanic car carrier from Jiangnan Shipyard for SAIC was officially unveiled today, as announced by the automaker.
This state-of-the-art LNG dual-fuel roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) vessel, boasting a capacity for 7,600 transport vositalari, is scheduled to commence operations next year. Its primary routes will encompass European destinations, as well as forthcoming routes to Australia and New Zealand, according to SAIC’s statements.
A total of 12 innovative oceanic carriers, with capacities ranging from 7,600 uchun 9,000 transport vositalari, are set to bolster SAIC Anji Logistics’ fleet between 2024 va 2026, as confirmed by the car manufacturer.
SAIC attributes its procurement of ships to its persistent expansion in international markets. E'tiborlisi, ichida 2022, SAIC achieved overseas sales exceeding 1.017 million birlik, belgilash a 45.9 percent year-on-year increase and securing its position as China’s leading automaker for the seventh consecutive year.
The January-July period of the current year witnessed SAIC’s overseas sales surpassing 630,000 transport vositalari. Ajoyib, the MG brand recorded an impressive 148 yillik o'sish foiz, with sales reaching 135,000 birliklar, as reported by the company.
Highlighting its scale, Anji Logistics is hailed as the globe’s largest automotive logistics enterprise. It boasts an extensive distribution network spanning nearly 600 Chinese cities and over 100 international countries. Qo'shimcha, it maintains a substantial annual shipping capacity, capable of accommodating up to 10 million avtomobil, as affirmed by SAIC.
With Anji Logistics under its wing, SAIC proudly stands as the Chinese automaker with the most expansive fleet. Its fleet encompasses 30 car carriers, shu jumladan 11 river vessels, 11 vessels catering to domestic sea trade, and eight specialized vessels dedicated to foreign trade. This fleet has also inaugurated seven international routes, according to SAIC.
Parallel to the surge in China’s automobile exports, the demand for shipping vessels from local car manufacturers has surged significantly. Figures from the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) indicate that car exports from China surged by 69 percent year-on-year to reach 2.78 million during the January-July period.
Back in November 27, 2022, maritime information platform Xinde Marine News reported that several Chinese car companies, Chery and Nio included, were considering procuring their own car carriers.
Ilgari, SAIC’s Anji Logistics had placed orders for five LNG dual-fuel pure car truck carriers (PCTClar) from Jiangnan Shipyard. Bundan tashqari, there were speculations that the company was in the process of soliciting bids from shipyards for the construction of an additional seven dual-fuel 8,900 CEU PCTCs.
Today’s developments from SAIC offer partial validation of prior reports from Xinde Marine News. Biroq, there hasn’t been any new information regarding Nio’s custom car carriers since last November.
Bundan tashqari, yanvarda 23 of this year, Guangzhou Shipyard International Company Limited (GSI) announced that it had secured an order for two PCTCs from BYD.
These dual-fuel PCTCs, adaptable for either LNG or fuel oil, boast a capacity to accommodate up to 7,000 transport vositalari, as indicated by GSI during the announcement.