BMW iSeries

i5 eDrive 35L Deluxe Package

Use a no-middleman model to purchase cars directly from Chinese automobile export supplier.

BMW i5 Features


The Style is Visible


Feeling Luxurious




Dynamic shape, outstanding

Dynamic Shape, Ajoyib

The BMW ring-shaped shining grille lights up the focus of attention when moving or not. The dynamic welcome light mat full of agility and the panoramic glass sunroof stand prominently, bringing a pleasant sensory experience to the driver.
Purchasing BMW i5 From Chinese Car Export Supplier Without Middlemen -  - 2
Purchasing BMW i5 From Chinese Car Export Supplier Without Middlemen -  - 3
Purchasing BMW i5 From Chinese Car Export Supplier Without Middlemen -  - 4
Purchasing BMW i5 From Chinese Car Export Supplier Without Middlemen -  - 5

Luxurious Leapfrog, More Pleasing To The Heart

Extraordinary luxury equipment and BMW inspiration technology are a perfect match to create an emotional digital driving space. The moving sound field of Bowers & Wilkins surround speakers instantly unlocks the sensory code. The BMW suspended giant screen and rich entertainment content allow you to enjoy your travel time.
Purchasing BMW i5 From Chinese Car Export Supplier Without Middlemen -  - 6
Purchasing BMW i5 From Chinese Car Export Supplier Without Middlemen -  - 7
Purchasing BMW i5 From Chinese Car Export Supplier Without Middlemen -  - 8
Purchasing BMW i5 From Chinese Car Export Supplier Without Middlemen -  - 9
Asosiy ma'lumotlar Xavfsizlik (■Standart uskunalar / - Bunday konfiguratsiya yo'q)

Avtomobil uzunligi/avtomobilning kengligi/avtomobil balandligi (mm): 5175/1900/1520
G'ildirak bazasi (mm): 3105
Dvigatelning chiqish quvvati (kVt): 210
Dvigatel momenti (Nm): 410
Elektr iste'moli boshiga 100 kilometr (CLTC) (kVt/soat/100 kilometr): 14.8
Diapazon (CLTC) (km): 567
Zaryadlash vaqti 10-80%, DC tez zaryadlash (daqiqa): 32.0
Zaryadlash vaqti 0-100%, AC zaryadlash (soat): 8.25
Maksimal tezlik (km/soat):190
0-100 km/soat tezlanish vaqti (soniya): 6.7

Ikkita old o'rindiqlar havo yostig'i: ■
Old va orqa bosh xavfsizlik yostiqchalari: ■
Haydovchi va old yo'lovchi yon xavfsizlik yostiqchalari: ■
To'qnashuvning oldini olish tizimi: ■
Shinalardagi bosim monitoringi: ■
Ogohlantirish uchburchak belgisi: ■
Driver's side exterior rearview mirror with automatic anti-dazzle function: —
Yuqori nurli avtomatik boshqaruv: ■

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