Buyuk devorning Ora brendi Braziliyada Funky Cat EV uchun oldindan buyurtmalarni ochadi

Buyuk devor motori‘s Ora brand is making its presence felt in Brazil as it introduces its electric vehicles (EV) to the South American market. The Ora brand’s compact EV, known as the Funky Cat, is now available for pre-order in Brazil, allowing local customers to reserve the model by placing a deposit of 9,000 Braziliya reali ($1,900), according to an announcement by Great Wall on Wednesday.

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The Funky Cat is Great Wall’s second new energy vehicle (NEV) to debut in Brazil, following the successful introduction of the Haval H6 PHEV. The pricing for the Funky Cat in Brazil is expected to be announced in August, and deliveries are scheduled to commence in October, kompaniyaga ko'ra.

With its presence already established in Australia, Iordaniya, Malayziya, Tailand, va Buyuk Britaniya, the Ora Funky Cat has garnered popularity in multiple international markets. Xitoyda, the model offers five different versions, RMB dan boshlang'ich narxlar bilan 107,800 ($15,050) RMB uchun 143,800.

Great Wall's Ora Brand Opens Pre-Orders for Funky Cat EV in Brazil - Car News - 2

The Funky Cat has dimensions of 4,235 mm uzunlikda, 1,825 mm kengligida, va 1,596 mm balandlikda, g'ildirak bazasi bilan 2,650 mm.

Great Wall marked its entry into the Brazilian market with a brand launch event in November 2022, introducing the Haval H6 PHEV. Deliveries of the Haval model commenced at the end of April this year. Impressive sales results soon followed, bilan Do'st H6 PHEV becoming the top-selling NEV in Brazil in May, bozor ulushini egallash 14.39 foiz. Iyun oyida, its share of the Brazilian NEV market further increased to 14.81 foiz.

Great Wall’s Brazilian plant is set to reach full operational capacity by 2024, contributing to increased local production and sales, including the brand’s first hybrid pickup truck. This move is expected to further enhance Great Wall’s presence and sales performance in the Brazilian market.

Iyun oyida, Great Wall reported strong overall sales of 104,957 transport vositalari, shu jumladan 26,669 NEVs, which accounted for 25.41 percent of the total sales. Among its brands, Ora and Haval contributed 10,015 va 59,007 vehicle sales, buxgalteriya hisobi 9.54 foiz va 56.22 percent of the company’s sales, mos ravishda.

Bundan tashqari, Great Wall achieved a remarkable milestone in June with a record-breaking 25,131 vehicle sales in overseas markets, marking a significant 104.04 percent year-on-year increase and a 15.21 may oyidan foiz o'sish.

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