GAC Aion Hyper HT SUV uchun oldindan sotishni boshlaydi, ning boshlang'ich narxini taklif qiladi $30,080

Giper HT, the latest offering from the Hyper sub-brand of GAC men qilaman, endi oldindan sotuvga chiqariladi. This new model is the brand’s first SUV and comes in four different versions, Ulardan uchtasi 800 voltli yuqori voltli platformadan foydalanadi. Yuqori darajadagi versiyada hatto lochin qanotli eshiklarni eslatuvchi eshiklar mavjud Tesla Model X.

GAC Aion Initiates Pre-Sales for Hyper HT SUV, Offering a Starting Price of $30,080 - Car News - 1

During a recent launch event, Hyper officially introduced the Hyper HT, a mid-to-large-sized all-electric SUV with a pre-sale starting price of RMB 220,000 yuan ($30,080). The vehicle measures 4,935 mm uzunlikda, 1,920 mm kengligida, 1,700 mm balandlikda, and has a wheelbase of 2,935 mm. All four pre-sale variants are rear-wheel-drive single-motor models.

The entry-level Hyper HT version features an electric motor with 180 kW of peak power and 355 Nm maksimal moment, dan tezlashmoqda 0 uchun 100 km/soat in 6.8 soniya. The other three versions come with motors that offer 250 kW of peak power and 430 Nm maksimal moment, enabling them to go from 0 uchun 100 km/soat tezlikda 5.8 soniya.

While the specific pre-sale prices for each model have not been announced, it’s expected that the version with falcon-wing doors will command the highest price. This top-tier model also includes three LiDARs, which the other versions lack.

GAC Aion Initiates Pre-Sales for Hyper HT SUV, Offering a Starting Price of $30,080 - Car News - 2

The entry-level Hyper HT variant is based on a conventional 400-volt platform and can achieve a range of 140 kilometers with a 10-minute charge at the fastest. It offers a CLTC range of 600 kilometers on a full charge. The other three models are built on the 800-volt high-voltage platform, two of which have a CLTC range of 670 kilometers and can gain 415 kilometers of range in just 15 daqiqa. The version with falcon-wing doors boasts a CLTC range of 770 kilometers and can get 450 kilometers of range in only 10 daqiqa.

GAC Aion Initiates Pre-Sales for Hyper HT SUV, Offering a Starting Price of $30,080 - Car News - 3

Hyper was introduced as GAC Aion’s premium brand in September 2022 and unveiled the Hyper SSR supercar at that time. In July of the following year, Hyper launched its first production model, the Hyper GT, Xitoyda. It is aimed at the mainstream mid-to-high-end market and is available in seven versions, with a starting price range from RMB 219,900 RMB uchun 339,900. GAC Aion also set a new record by selling 51,596 vehicles in September, reflecting significant growth in the new energy vehicle (NEV) sektor.