Deutsche Bankning Xpeng-Didi hamkorligi tahlili: Ride-Hailing Titanning savdoni yaxshilash uchun keng qamrovli haydovchilar tarmog'idan foydalanish

Deutsche Bank has highlighted a crucial aspect of Xpeng‘s recent move in its acquisition of Didi Global’s elektr transport vositasi (EV) business, underscoring the potential for increased sales through Didi’s extensive network of 19 million drivers in China. The analysts noted that this partnership would likely enable Xpeng to expand its volume and scale, targeting over 100,000 additional units per year.

Deutsche Bank's Analysis of Xpeng-Didi Partnership: Leverage of Ride-Hailing Titan's Extensive Driver Network for Sales Enhancement - Car News - 1

Xpeng’s decision to acquire Didi’s EV program involves the issuance of class A ordinary shares, leading to Didi becoming a strategic shareholder in Xpeng for a lock-up period of 24 months after the initial closing of the deal.

Xpeng’s upcoming Mona project, scheduled for a 2024 ishga tushirish, is expected to produce its first model using Didi’s existing in-development product. This model is aimed at the mass market segment with a price point of RMB 150,000 ($20,580).

The research from Deutsche Bank points out that Xpeng’s collaboration with Didi could provide access to Didi’s large pool of drivers, fostering increased volume and scale for Xpeng’s EVs. The partnership also brings the potential for support from Didi’s ecosystem through advertising and sharing of charging infrastructure.

Scale, according to the analysts, holds significant cost-saving potential, particularly concerning component procurement power.

This development follows Xpeng’s recent collaboration with Volkswagen, which involves a $700 million investment from the German automaker. As part of this partnership, Xpeng and Volkswagen plan to co-develop two EV models for the Chinese market based on Xpeng G9 platforma.

Deutsche Bank’s analysts note that this partnership with Didi opens another avenue for Xpeng to enhance its sales volume, further amplifying the company’s growth prospects. Bundan tashqari, they highlighted that Xpeng is taking measures to differentiate the Mona project from its existing Xpeng-branded products and the main brand to prevent brand dilution.

The primary competition in this arena is expected to come from automakers like GAC, BYD, Changan, and to a lesser extent, Japanese automakers on the gasoline side.