Chery Jeneva avtosalonida OMODA EV ni taqdim etdi

Chery has officially introduced the OMODA EV at the 2023 Jeneva avtosalonlari. Yilni sof elektr SUV sifatida joylashtirilgan, OMODA EV qayta ishlangan old panelga ega. Bu orziqib kutilgan avtomobil allaqachon ishlab chiqarishga kirgan va shu yil oxirida bozorga chiqishi kutilmoqda..

Chery Unveils OMODA EV at the Geneva Auto Show - Car News - 1

Tashqi nuqtai nazardan, as a fully electric model, the new car features a front-end makeover, with the most notable distinction from its combustion engine counterpart being the absence of a traditional grille. The Chery logo has been replaced by an OMODA letter badge, giving it a distinct identity. The lower bumper exhibits a more rounded design, while the headlights maintain the stylish split-type configuration seen in the combustion version, adding a youthful and trendy appeal.

Chery Unveils OMODA EV at the Geneva Auto Show - Car News - 2

The differences at the rear of the car compared to the combustion version are relatively subtle, with the Y-shaped bar-type tail lights retained. A silver bar decoration adorns the rear, enhancing the sporty character, especially when complemented by the roof spoiler. Qo'shimcha, the OMODA EV showcases a fresh wheel rim design aimed at reducing wind resistance and optimizing its driving range.

Chery Unveils OMODA EV at the Geneva Auto Show - Car News - 3

Ichkarida, the OMODA EV largely adheres to the design of the combustion version. The centerpiece is the 12.3-inch dual-screen setup, not only elevating the technological aspect but also streamlining the use of physical buttons, giving the center console a minimalist aesthetic. Worth noting is the retention of a mechanical gear lever design, distinguishing it from the gear shift or knob shift mechanisms commonly found in electric vehicles.

Chery Unveils OMODA EV at the Geneva Auto Show - Car News - 4

Kaput ostida, the OMODA EV is equipped with a single motor drive delivering a maximum power output of 150kW and a peak torque of 350N·m. It boasts an impressive pure electric range of 550km and accelerates from 0 atigi 100 km/soatgacha 7.5 soniya.