BYD Yangwang U8 ko'proq oladi 4,000 Aprel oyida sotuvdan oldin boshlanganidan beri tasdiqlangan buyurtmalar

BYD‘s ultra-luxury car venture, Yangvang, debyut ishlab chiqarish modeli bilan Xitoy bozorida to'lqinlar yaratmoqda, Yangwang U8. Since its pre-sale launch on April 18 at the Shanghai auto show, Yangwang has garnered an impressive 4,000+ firm orders for the U8, according to a recent report by Jiemian, citing insiders.

BYD Yangwang U8 Receives More Than 4,000 Confirmed Orders Since Pre-Sale Launch in April - Car News - 1

The Yangwang U8, which officially hit the market on September 20 with an initial price of RMB 1,098,000, is set to start deliveries in October. This remarkable demand has been instrumental in establishing Yangwang’s presence in the luxury automotive sector.

E'tiborlisi, sentyabrda 20, Yangwang unveiled the U8’s Premium Edition, maintaining the pre-sale price of RMB 1,098,000. Deliveries for this edition are also slated for October.

Adding to its rapid expansion, Yangwang opened its first offline store in Shanghai’s bustling Bund district on September 28. During China’s recent National Day holiday from September 29 to October 6, the store attracted numerous tourists and potential buyers. Salespeople reported handling more than 20 groups daily during the holiday period, with continued interest even after the festivities concluded.

The Yangwang U8 has garnered praise for its intelligence, technological features, and competitive pricing, making it an appealing option for discerning buyers. Positioned for the hardcore off-road market, it competes directly with rivals like the Range Rover and Mercedes-Benz G-Class, which carry starting prices of RMB 1,428,000 va RMB 1,424,800, mos ravishda, Xitoyda.

In the first seven months of this year, the Range Rover and Mercedes-Benz G-Class achieved cumulative sales of 14,000 va 4,932 birliklar, registering impressive year-on-year growth figures of 37% va 67%, as highlighted in Jiemian’s report.

The Yangwang U8 is available in two versions: Premium Edition va Off-road Master Edition. While both versions share the same pre-sale pricing, the Premium Edition offers more features, while the Off-road Master Edition leaves room for modifications.

Unlike BYD’s conventional dealer sales model, Yangwang is adopting a direct sales approach, aligning with leading automakersstrategies. The brand is aggressively expanding its retail footprint, bilan 70 stores currently under construction and plans to open more than 90 directly-managed stores in over 40 cities across China within the year, as announced last month.