BYD an'anaviy ICE modellaridan tashqari bozor ulushini kengaytirish uchun so'nggi avtomobil aksiyalarini e'lon qildi

Bugun, BYD announced a series of promotions, uning Dynasty tarkibiga e'tibor qaratgan holda, designed to incentivize traditional fuel vehicle owners to make the switch to the company’s Yangi energiya vositalari (NEVs).

BYD Unveils Latest Vehicle Promotions to Expand Market Share Beyond Traditional ICE Models - Car News - 1

BYD Qin Plus DM-i

O'tgan oydagi sur'atni davom ettirish, China’s leading NEV manufacturer introduced limited-time promotions for December across its Dynasty lineup and one model from the Ocean series. The Dynasty series primarily features plug-in hybrid (PHEV) models with DM technology, while the Ocean series emphasizes battery electric vehicle (BEV) modellar.

The promotions for the Dynasty series, exclusively available from December 1 to December 31, were unveiled on BYD’s Weibo account. E'tiborlisi, many of these discounts require customers to trade in their traditional Internal Combustion Engine (MUZ) transport vositalari, signaling BYD’s strategic move to capture a larger share of the fuel vehicle market.

Key promotions for the Dynasty series include:

  • Qin DM-i and Qin EV: RMB 10,000 ($1,400) chegirma
  • Han DM-i and Han DM-p: RMB 10,000 chegirma
  • Xan EV: Up to RMB 20,000 chegirma
  • Tang DM-i: Up to RMB 15,000 off
  • Tang EV and Tang DM-p: Up to RMB 10,000 off
  • Song Pro DM-i: Up to RMB 10,000 off
  • Song MAX DM-i: RMB 10,000 off
  • Yuan Pro: RMB 6,000 off
  • Yuan Plus: RMB 3,000 off

In addition to the Dynasty series, the Ocean series DM-i muhri offers a RMB 5,000 discount this month.

These promotions have further lowered the starting price of the hybrid Qin Plus DM-i to RMB 89,800, making it an attractive option for price-sensitive ICE vehicle owners considering the switch to a BYD model.

This initiative follows BYD’s record-breaking October, where it sold over 300,000 NEVs, marking the sixth consecutive month of record highs. In the January-October period, BYD achieved a remarkable 70.36 NEV savdosining yiliga foizga o'sishi, jami 2,381,471 birliklar.

As BYD aims to sell at least 3 million vehicles this year, these promotions and strategic pricing adjustments demonstrate the company’s commitment to further establishing itself as a leader in the electric vehicle market.