BYD raisi qazib olinadigan yoqilg'i resurslarining kamayishi yuzasidan xavotir bildiradi

Vang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD, has urged humanity to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and transition to new energy sources as quickly as possible for sustainable development. In a speech at the 2023 ESG Global Leaders Conference in Shanghai, Wang highlighted the heavy cost to human society of using fossil energy, which began over 260 years ago during the first industrial revolution.

BYD Chairman Raises Concerns Over Depleting Fossil Fuel Resources - Car News - 1

According to Wang, humans have used up nearly half of the planet’s fossil energy in the past 260 yillar. If consumption continues at the current rate, coal will only last for another 200 years and oil for another 50 yillar. He posed the question of where human society will go once these resources are depleted.

BYD has been contemplating how to bring about change and promote the progress of human civilization and sustainable development with green technology and industry. In 2008, BYD proposed its green dream of solar energy, energy storage power plants, and electric vehicles, connecting the entire industrial chain link of energy from acquisition to storage to application.

After a long period of perseverance, BYD has become the world’s largest yangi energiya vositasi (NEV) maker and the world’s second-largest maker of power batteries. The company stopped production of vehicles powered entirely by internal combustion engines in March 2022 and built the first zero-carbon headquarters for a Chinese auto brand in Pingshan, Shenzhen.

Wang emphasized that corporate social responsibility is not only manifested in participation in public welfare but also in using scientific and technological innovation for the benefit of mankind to solve problems such as the energy crisis, climate change, air pollution, and traffic congestion.

Avgust oyida, BYD sold a record 274,386 NEVs, marking its seventh consecutive increase. Yanvardan avgustgacha, SOTILAN DUNYO 1.79 million NEVs, about half of which were plug-in hybrids (PHEV) and the other half were zero-emission battery electric vehicles (BEVs). The rapid growth in NEV sales has fueled growth in BYD’s battery business. From January to July, BYD installed 58.1 GWh of power batteries, yuqoriga 94.1 dan foiz 29.9 GWh in the same period last year.