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German premium carmaker BMW is intensifying its efforts to stay competitive in the advanced driver assistance systems field. The company announced its accelerated development of Level 3 (L3) autonomous driving features, with a global launch scheduled for late 2023 or early 2024.

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In response to the growing competition, BMW’s China R&D team has taken a significant step by initiating the localization of L3 autonomous driving software. The focus is on fully preparing for the future adaptation and application of L3 autonomous driving features in China, aligning with local regulatory requirements.

The L3 autonomous driving function will offer drivers the ability to enjoy in-car audio-visual entertainment like games and streaming videos, enhancing the overall driving experience.

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The L3 autonomous driving technology suite integrates advanced sensors, including the new LiDAR system, to interlink all sensor data with long-range radar and front-facing camera information. This creates a comprehensive environment model for efficient autonomous driving.

BMW’s commitment to autonomous driving innovation is further evidenced by the establishment of the Future Mobility Development Center in the Czech Republic. The center focuses on developing and testing driver assistance systems and autonomous driving technologies, featuring a vast 6 million square meter test site with a total length of 25 kilometers of circuits.

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In China, BMW has been expanding its R&D presence. In addition to the R&D center in Shanghai, the company also has facilities in Beijing, Shenyang, and Nanjing. With this significant investment, BMW has built one of the largest and most comprehensive R&D systems in China, reaffirming its commitment to shaping the future of autonomous driving.

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In partnership with Valeo, BMW is also working on an automated valet parking solution, aiming to provide further convenience and innovation to customers.

BMW’s dedication to localizing autonomous driving technology in China demonstrates its long-term vision and commitment to meeting the evolving needs of the Chinese market. By staying at the forefront of autonomous driving technology, BMW aims to shape a safer, more convenient, and connected driving future.