Xitoyning avtomobil qiymatini saqlab qolish darajasi haqida tushunchalar: Birinchi yarmi 2023 Hisobot

The annual auto value preservation rate report for this year is divided into six chapters, presenting 69 subdivided lists of data. The formula used to calculate the value preservation rate is the ratio of the used car sales price (B2C) to the new car guide price. The value preservation rate data covers the first half of 2023.

Insights on China's Automobile Value Preservation Rate: First Half of 2023 Report - Trade News - 1

Ranking of Chinese Auto Brands by Value Preservation Rate
RankingBrendThree-year value preservation rate
1GAC Trumpchi63.90%
2Wuling Motors62.32%
4Lynk & Co59.71%
5Lixiang avtomobili59.71%
8SAC mg57.93%
9SAIC Roewe57.39%
Ranking of value preservation rate of Chinese joint venture manufacturers
RankingManufacturersThree-year value preservation rate
1FAW Toyota70.47%
2Pekin Benz68.87%
3GA Honda68.61%
4GAC Toyota67.92%
5Dongfeng Honda67.74%
6BMW Brilliance65.79%
7Changan Lincoln63.05%
8FAW Volkswagen61.08%
9FAW Audi61.71%
10Changan Mazda61.68%