การนําเข้ารถยนต์แบบง่ายสําหรับชาวอียิปต์ในต่างประเทศ: สํารวจโครงการปลอดภาษี

แรมปี, Egyptians living abroad have faced challenges in importing their vehicles to อียิปต์, การจัดการกับศุลกากร, ภาษี, และภาวะแทรกซ้อนต่างๆ. อย่างไรก็ตาม, ในเดือนตุลาคม 2022, คณะรัฐมนตรีอียิปต์ได้แนะนําความคิดริเริ่มที่เปลี่ยนแปลงเกม – การนําเข้ารถยนต์ปลอดภาษี, making it easier for Egyptians abroad to bring cars to Egypt, subject to specific conditions.
Under this initiative, Egyptian expats above 16 years old, possessing valid residency and foreign bank accounts, are eligible to import one car with a reduced fee and simplified regulations. To participate, expats must pay 30 percent of the customs tax value of the vehicle, along with the total development fee and value-added tax (VAT) through an interest-free certificate of deposit in foreign currency. After five years, this amount will be refunded in Egyptian pounds at the prevailing exchange rate, without any interest.
รถ ยนต์, whether new or second-hand, imported within five years, should belong to models manufactured between 2019 และ 2024.
Due to increased demand and positive feedback from Egyptians abroad, the initiative’s deadline has been extended. Initially set for four months from October 2022, it now runs until 14 May 2023.
To simplify the process for interested individuals, a dedicated mobile application is available on the App Store and Google Play. Users can request car imports from their country of residence, calculate associated fees, and track the approval process until importation is authorized.
The government aims to attract USD 2.5 billion in foreign currency through this initiative, providing a much-needed boost to the country’s economy, particularly during times of foreign currency shortages. With an estimated 10 ถึง 14 million Egyptians living abroad, Egypt stands as one of the largest recipients of remittances, which significantly contribute to its economic growth, while also serving as a vital source of hard currency.

Chinese cars exported to Egypt
Chinese Auto Exports to Egypt: A Beneficial Contribution
As the tax-free car import initiative paves the way for Egyptians abroad to bring vehicles back home, the potential for China’s auto exports to Egypt should not be overlooked. ผู้ผลิตรถยนต์จีน, renowned for producing affordable and high-quality vehicles, have the opportunity to tap into the Egyptian market and offer a wide range of options, รวมถึง รถยนต์พลังงานใหม่ (NEVs).
Egypt’s increasing focus on sustainable transportation solutions aligns perfectly with China’s expertise in NEV technology. By exporting environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient vehicles, Chinese automakers can play a significant role in supporting Egypt’s efforts to adopt greener mobility solutions and reduce its carbon footprint. This partnership promises mutual benefits, fostering economic growth in both countries and contributing to the global drive towards sustainable transportation.