Агрессивная экспансия Xpeng: 150 Новые дилерские магазины будут способствовать традиционному подходу к продажам

Xpeng plans to add 500 магазины с интегрированными функциями продаж и обслуживания, 1,000 Центры впечатлений и магазины-сателлиты в ближайшие три года, По сообщениям местных СМИ.

Xpeng's Aggressive Expansion: 150 New Dealer Stores to Fuel Traditional Sales Approach - Car News - 1

Ранее на этой неделе местные СМИ сообщили, что Xpeng (Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа (: XPEV) увеличит долю дилерских магазинов, Предоставление более подробной информации, according to a new report.

According to LatePost’s report today, Xpeng held a dealer conference on September 2. Participants included more than 50 representatives from China’s top 100 dealer groups, with a total of more than 150 dealers participating.

Электромобиль (ЭВ) maker aims to recruit dealers, and it was reported that about 75% of dealer groups at the conference had applied to Xpeng for authorization to open stores.

До сих пор, Xpeng has received nearly 1,000 authorization applications. According to reports, the company plans to complete the review of 100 authorized stores in September and October and add 150 new authorized stores this year.

Xpeng launched the “План Юпитера” at the conference, hoping to attract large dealer groups to join its sales system. According to reports, Jupiter is the planet with the strongest gravity and the most satellites in the solar system.

According to LatePost, Xpeng President Wang Fengying said at the meeting that the company’s sales target in the next three years is to reach 1 млн автомобилей. The report is a bit vague, but should refer to annual sales reaching 1 млн. единиц, as Xpeng sold 258,710 vehicles in all of 2022.

Хэ Сяопэн, Xpeng’s chairman and chief executive, said in April that a car company’s survival in the next decade will depend on whether it can reach annual sales of 3 млн автомобилей.

Ms. Wang was previously the president of Great Wall Motors and officially became the president of Xpeng on January 30, responsible for product planning, portfolio management and sales operations.

The report quoted a source at Great Wall Motors as saying that Ms. Wang’s years of experience in managing dealer stores during her tenure at Great Wall Motors can enable the dealer model to achieve the effects of a direct sales model.

According to reports, 60% Кому 70% of dealers in Great Wall Motor’s sales network have been in business for 20 годы.

Ms Wang said Xpeng plans to build 500 магазины с интегрированными функциями продаж и обслуживания, 1,000 Центры впечатлений и магазины-сателлиты в ближайшие три года, по сообщениям.

Xpeng adopted a direct sales model when it was founded, and the first 20 stores were directly managed by the company.

В апреле 2019, one month after the delivery of the company’s first mass-produced car, the G3, it announced at the Shanghai Auto Show that it was open to dealers and service providers.

С тех пор, Xpeng’s sales system has included both directly managed stores and dealer stores. The cooperation model between Xpeng and dealers is based on order sales. Dealers have no inventory and the retail price is unified.

Jiemian News reported on September 11 that Xpeng is phasing out inefficient direct-operated stores and expanding the number of dealer stores.

Xpeng opened dealer franchise authorization in July this year. Согласно “LatePost” Сегодня, citing multiple people familiar with the matter, some directly operated stores will be transferred to dealers, but the direct sales model will not be cancelled, and stores that perform well will continue to exist.

According to the company’s second-quarter financial report released on August 18, по состоянию на июнь 30, Xpeng’s sales network had a total of 411 stores. Detailed data of directly operated stores and dealer stores was not disclosed.

Согласно “LatePost”, as of the beginning of this year, Xpeng had 126 dealer stores and 294 directly operated stores. В будущем, the company will shift to a more dealer-focused model. It is expected that if Xpeng adds 150 new dealer stores this year, it will have more than 276 dealer stores by the end of the year, В сообщении говорится, что.