Nio планирует создать совместное предприятие со Svolt Energy для совместной разработки аккумуляторов, Согласно отчету

Сообщается, что Nio планирует партнерство со Svolt Energy, производитель аккумуляторов отпочковался от Great Wall Motor, to co-develop large cylindrical batteries for Электромобилей (Электромобили). Сотрудничество рассматривается как последняя попытка Nio после того, как ее усилия по разработке батарей независимо друг от друга столкнулись с проблемами.

Nio Plans to Establish a Joint Venture with Svolt Energy for Collaborative Battery Development, According to a Report - Car News - 1

The partnership between Nio and Svolt Energy involves joint investment in a pilot production line in Maanshan, Провинция Аньхой, with some R&D staff from both companies merging. Однако, both companies will remain independent in terms of manufacturing and procurement.

This partnership model is primarily focused on interim testing and development, and mass production of the batteries may not occur until 2025, по сообщениям.

Nio had initially announced plans to develop its own batteries, with a dedicated battery team of over 400 people working on various aspects of battery technology. Однако, the company has faced delivery challenges this year, prompting it to delay some significant investments.

Svolt Energy, С другой стороны, is a well-established battery maker in China and has made significant strides in battery technology and production. У него есть 11 production sites in China and one overseas production site in Germany.

The partnership with Svolt Energy may help Nio leverage the battery maker’s mature technology and processes, potentially reducing the financial and technical burden of battery development.

This move highlights the complexities and challenges involved in developing advanced battery technology for electric vehicles and the importance of collaboration in the rapidly evolving EV industry.