Начало производства мега-минивэна Li Auto, Поставки начнутся в марте 11

Ли Авто‘s Li Mega MPV Rolls Off Assembly Line, Deliveries to Commence on March 11

Li Auto's Mega MPV Production Commences, Deliveries Set to Begin on March 11 - News - 1

Ли Авто (Биржа NASDAQ: ЛИТИЙ) announced today that the Минивэн Li Mega, its first battery electric vehicle (БЕВ), has completed production at the company’s Beijing plant and is set for customer deliveries starting March 11.

Since its official launch on March 1, the Li Mega has garnered significant attention and popularity among customers, although Li Auto has not disclosed the precise number of orders received in the initial days.

Equipped with leading production processes, включая 100 percent unmanned distribution and 99.5 percent automated welding, Li Auto’s Beijing plant aims for efficient and high-quality manufacturing.

The company emphasizes its close collaboration with parts suppliers to ensure a stable supply chain and expedited production ramp-up.

Li Auto’s manufacturing facilities also include a plant in Changzhou, Провинция Цзянсу, producing three L-series extended-range electric vehicles (ЭРЭВ): Ли L7, Ли L8, и Ли Л9.

Currently available only in the Max trim, the Li Mega is priced at RMB 559,800 ($77,760), making it the most expensive Li Auto model currently on the market.

Li Auto initiated pre-orders for the Li Mega on November 17, 2023, during the Guangzhou auto show, с более чем 10,000 pre-orders received within the first hour and 42 протокол.

Ли Сян, основатель, председатель, and CEO of Li Auto, noted that the pre-order performance far surpassed that of the 2022 Li L9 during the same period.

Claiming to be the world’s fastest-charging all-electric vehicle, the Li Mega boasts a range gain of 500 kilometers in just a 12-minute charge.

As of March 4, Li Mega show cars and test-drive vehicles have reached Li Auto’s 464 розничные центры по всему Китаю.