Новая стратегия Dongfeng Honda: Больше никаких автомобилей с двигателем внутреннего сгорания 2027, Планы по запуску 10 Электромобили от 2030

Дунфэн Хонда Unveils New Strategy: Больше никаких автомобилей с двигателем внутреннего сгорания 2027, Планы по запуску 10 Electric Models около 2030

Dongfeng Honda's New Strategy: No More Combustion Vehicles by 2027, Plans to Launch Over 10 Electric Vehicles by 2030 - Trade News - 1

On July 18th, Dongfeng Honda held its 20th-anniversary event and announced its new strategy, codenamed ‘Creating the Future 2030’.

Согласно официальным источникам, Dongfeng Honda is expected to cease the introduction of new combustion vehicles by 2027 and aims to launch more than 10 all-electric vehicle models by 2030. Leveraging the product lineup of e:NS, e:HEV/e:PHEV hybrid systems, and new proprietary brand models, Dongfeng Honda aims to comprehensively build its brand presence. Дополнительно, all of Dongfeng Honda’s vehicle models will incorporate the latest intelligent technologies such as Honda SENSING and Honda CONNECT.

Новая стратегия Dongfeng Honda: Больше никаких автомобилей с двигателем внутреннего сгорания 2027, Планы по запуску 10 Electric Models by 2030

It is worth noting that Dongfeng Motor Corporation reported a significant decline in June production and sales, с 155,962 и 179,119 units respectively. New energy vehicle production and sales accounted for 22,473 и 24,964 Единиц. Dongfeng Honda specifically recorded 40,716 и 42,358 units of production and sales in June, which still represented a substantial decrease compared to the same period last year.