Восхождение на высоту: Анализ роста продаж Nio и стратегических шагов

После существенного снижения цен в июне, Объем заказов Nio достиг своего апогея в июле, тенденция, освещенная идеями Morgan Stanley.

Climbing Heights: Nio's Sales Surge and Strategic Moves Analyzed - Car News - 1

Нио (Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа (: НИО) инициировал юань 30,000 ($4,110) снижение цен на весь модельный ряд в середине июня, eliciting curiosity regarding the potential influence on order placements. A recent research memorandum from Morgan Stanley provides valuable perspective.

Based on our assessments, store footfall remained robust during the initial half of August, effectively extending the positive momentum observed in the aftermath of the ES6/ET5 Touring launches and the subsequent price adjustments in June and July,” conveyed analyst Tim Hsiao’s research team in a communication dispatched to investors on August 23.

Nio implemented the RMB 30,000 price reduction on all new models on June 12, while concurrently transitioning the free battery swap service benefit into a paid alternative.

Following this maneuver, Nio experienced a substantial surge in order placement in July. Однако, as per Hsiao’s team, the velocity of order inflow has moderated during August.

По состоянию на июль, Nio achieved its peak order volume, maintaining an average weekly rate surpassing 6,000 Единиц, as outlined by the research team.

Тем не менее, this average weekly rate moderated to 4,000-5,000 единиц в августе, coinciding with the discontinuation of the complimentary lifetime battery swap package on August 1, as noted by the team.

On a positive note, the order momentum exhibited a gradual resurgence starting from mid-August,” the team penned.

While there was a record retail conversion rate of 7 percent in July, these rates dwindled in the first half of August, according to Morgan Stanley.

Despite encouraging foot traffic, conversion rates at select Nio outlets have recently shown a downward trajectory. This could be attributed to more customers adopting a cautious stance amid a newly ignited industry-wide pricing competition.

Заметно, data previously shared by Li Auto (Биржа NASDAQ: ЛИТИЙ) on Weibo revealed that insurance registrations for Nio vehicles in China stood at 4,300, 3,300, и 4,100 during the initial three weeks of August.

According to an August 21 report by Caixin, Nio’s F1 plant temporarily halted production for five days between July 29 и август 2 to facilitate upgrades in the production line.

It’s also pertinent to highlight that Nio is scheduled to unveil its unaudited financial results for the second quarter on Tuesday, Август 29, ahead of the US market opening.

Initial figures released indicate that the company accomplished deliveries of 23,520 vehicles during the second quarter, marginally surpassing the lower limit of its projected range of 23,000 Кому 25,000 Транспортных средств.

Anticipating the future, Morgan Stanley envisions Nio guiding third-quarter deliveries in the range of 55,000 Кому 57,000 Единиц. Следовательно, the average monthly deliveries in August and September could oscillate between 17,000 и 20,000 Единиц.

July witnessed a historical milestone for Nio, with vehicle deliveries reaching a record 20,462 Единиц, marking the first instance since inception when the 20,000-unit threshold was exceeded, as corroborated by the company’s recently divulged data.