Аватр, Дочерняя компания Changan по производству электромобилей, Обеспечивает $410 Миллион нового финансирования

Аватр Technology, Премиум электромобиль (ЭВ) дочерняя компания Changan Automobile, успешно завершила крупный раунд финансирования серии B, вливание нового капитала в планы будущего расширения. The company’s latest funding round, на сумму в юанях 3 миллиард ($410 миллион), поднял его постинвестиционную оценку до впечатляющего почти юаня 20 миллиард.

Avatr, Changan's Electric Vehicle Subsidiary, Secures $410 Million in Fresh Funding - Car News - 1

В недавнем объявлении на Weibo, Avatr Technology expressed its commitment to enhancing customer experiences and aspiring to establish itself as a globally recognized brand specializing in luxury smart EVs. The funding infusion marks a crucial step towards realizing this vision.

Among the new investors joining the ranks are BOCOM International Equity Investment Management, in addition to the continued support from longstanding shareholders such as Changan and South Industry Assets Management.

Originally established as Changan Nio through a collaboration between Changan and Nio (Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа (: НИО) на Июль 10, 2018, Avatr Technology has evolved independently. While Nio’s ownership interest has diminished to below 1 процент, the company has emerged as a distinctive entity in the EV landscape.

Undergoing a rebranding effort in August 2021, Avatr Technology transitioned from Changan Nio to its current identity, affirming Changan’s leadership and enlisting Huawei and CATL to steer smart car and battery solutions.

After overcoming developmental challenges, Avatr Technology achieved a significant milestone with the official launch of its inaugural model, Аватр 11 Внедорожник, в августе 9, 2022. Deliveries commenced at the close of the preceding year, with the introduction of the limited-edition Avatr 011 following suit in February of the subsequent year.

Однако, Avatr Technology has faced sales performance fluctuations, with figures reported by the China Passenger Car Association (СРКА) indicating sales of 1,200 units in July and a consistent trend of below 2,000 units for the past three months.

While Avatr Technology’s Weibo post refrained from disclosing extensive details regarding the recent funding, a complementary stock exchange statement from Changan, released the previous night, furnished additional insights.

Maintaining its stake unchanged at 40.99 percent post the funding round, Changan continues to hold a dominant position. КАТЛ, a key stakeholder, experienced a marginal decrease from 17.10 процентов до 14.10 процент, retaining its position as the second-largest shareholder.

Заметно, Nio’s ownership stake in Avatr Technology underwent further dilution, decreasing from 0.81 процентов до 0.67 percent as a result of the recent developments.

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