2023 Китай возвращает себе лидерство по экспорту автомобилей, Превзойти Японию в первом полугодии

Following its groundbreaking achievement of becoming the world’s largest automobile exporter, surpassing Japan in the first quarter of this year, China has continued to exhibit strong momentum in automobile exports throughout the first half of 2023, solidifying its position as the world’s leading exporter.

Data from the General Administration of Customs, compiled by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, reveals that China exported 2.341 million complete automobiles in the first half of the year, Это впечатляющий рост по сравнению с предыдущим годом 76.9%. The export value of complete vehicles also saw significant growth, reaching US$46.42 billion, Замечательный 1.1 times increase compared to the previous year. Among the major export models, pure electric vehicles, passenger cars, Автомобилей, and trucks demonstrated varying degrees of growth, with pure electric vehicles experiencing particularly significant growth.

2023 China Retakes the Lead in Auto Exports, Surpassing Japan in the First Half of the Year - Trade News - 1

China’s export volume of complete vehicles by model

В отличие от, Japan exported 2.02 million vehicles during the same period, recording a respectable 17% Рост по сравнению с предыдущим годом, as reported by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association. Tomoyuki Suzuki, managing director at AlixPartners Tokyo, foresees that Chinese automakers may capture a considerable share of Japan’s main export markets, including the United States, около 2025.

This shift in the global auto market highlights China’s escalating dominance in the automobile industry. While Japan has long been at the forefront of car exports, China is rapidly gaining prominence, especially in the thriving electric vehicle market.

This remarkable milestone not only showcases China’s manufacturing prowess but also underscores the growing significance of electric vehicles in shaping the future of the automotive industry. As countries worldwide intensify their efforts to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change, adopting cleaner transportation options, such as electric vehicles, becomes increasingly vital. China’s leading position in the auto export market reflects the nation’s commitment to sustainable mobility and its role as a major player in the transition to greener transportation solutions.