Nível:Carro de tamanho médio
Tipo de energia:Plug-in hybrid
Engine:1.5L 101HP L4 Plug-in Hybrid
Body structure:4-door 5-seater sedan
Maximum speed (km/h):180
Energy type: Elétrico puro
Electric Motor: Pure electric 136 horsepower
Velocidades: Electric vehicle single speed gearbox
Body structure: 4-door 5-seater sedan
Maximum speed (km/h): 130
Electric Motor: Pure electric 204 horsepower
Maximum power (kW): 150(204Ps)/168(228Ps)/180(245Ps)
Velocidades: Electric vehicle single speed gearbox
Body structure: 4-door 5-seater sedan
Maximum speed (km/h): 185
Electric Motor: 313 HP
Mileage (km): 662
Maximum speed (km/h):201
Number of drive motors: single motor
Motor layout: rear
Nível:Compact SUV
Tipo de energia:Elétrico puro
Electric Motor:Pure electric 204 horsepower
L*W*H (milímetro):4455x1875x1615
Body structure:5-door 5-seater SUV
Maximum speed (km/h):160
Energy type: Plug-in hybrid
engine: 1.5L 101HP L4 Plug-in Hybrid
Velocidades: E-CVT
Body structure: 5-door 5-seater SUV
Maximum speed (km/h): 180
Class: Compact Sedan
Engine: 1.5L 110 horsepower L4 plug-in hybrid
Transmissão: E-CVT continuously variable transmission
Maximum speed (km/h): 185
Battery type: Lithium iron phosphate battery
Tire specification: 225/60 R16
Class: Small SUV
Energy type: pure electric
Time to market: 2024.03
Electric Motor: 177 HP
Gama (km): 401
Body structure: 5-door, 5-seat SUV
Maximum speed (km/h):160
Class: Compact SUV
Energy type: Elétrico puro
Engine: Pure electric 204 horsepower
Transmissão: E-CVT
L*W*H: 4785x1890x1660
Maximum speed (km/h): 185
Nível:Mid-size SUV
Tipo de energia:Elétrico puro
Engine:Pure electric 228 horsepower
L*W*H (milímetro):4900x1950x1725
Body structure:5-door 7-seater SUV
Maximum speed (km/h):180
Nível:Mid-size SUV
Tipo de energia:Plug-in hybrid
Engine:1.5L 101 hp L4 plug-in hybrid
L*W*H (milímetro):4780x1898x1670
Body structure:5-door 5-seater SUV
Maximum speed (km/h):180
Class: Carro de tamanho médio
Energy type: Plug-in hybrid
Engine: 1.5L 101 horsepower L4
Transmissão: E-CVT
L*W*H: 4830x1875x1495
Maximum speed (km/h): 180
Energy type: Elétrico puro
Electric Motor: Pure electric 231 horsepower
Velocidades: Electric vehicle single speed gearbox
Body structure: 5-door 5-seater SUV
Maximum speed (km/h): 210/225
Nível:Small car
Tipo de energia:Elétrico puro
Electric Motor:Pure electric 95 horsepower
L*W*H (milímetro):4125x1770x1570
Body structure:5-door 5-seater sedan
Maximum speed (km/h):150
Nível: Small car
Energy type: Elétrico puro
Engine: Pure electric 75 horsepower
Transmissão: Electric vehicle single speed gearbox
L*W*H: 3780x1715x1540
Maximum speed (km/h): 130