
ジークル, the high-end 電気自動車 (電気自動車) 吉利控股集団の子会社, 中東でのプレゼンスを拡大するために戦略的パートナーシップを結んでいます. These collaborations will extend Zeekr’s reach into the United Arab Emirates (アラブ首長国連邦), サウジアラビア, カタール, とバーレーン, イスラエルの既存の市場に加えて.

Zeekr Establishes Collaborations to Expand Electric Vehicle Sales into Four More Middle Eastern Nations - Car News - 1

The partnerships have been established with key entities in these regions, including AW Rostamani Holdings in the UAE, Wallan Trading Company in Saudi Arabia, Blue Lake Motors in Qatar, and Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons in Bahrain. Zeekr will introduce its Zeekr 001 shooting brake and Zeekr X sport utility vehicle models to these Middle Eastern markets, with initial deliveries scheduled for the first quarter of 2024.

Both Zeekr models are built on the all-electric Sustainable Experience Architecture (海), ensuring compliance with global regulatory standards and exceptional performance even in hot climates, as stated by Zeekr.

Chen Yu, Vice President of Zeekr, emphasized the strong demand for premium vehicles with advanced technologies in the Middle East. He highlighted that all Zeekr models are designed on the SEA architecture, catering to the global market. Yu also mentioned Zeekr’s commitment to collaborating with partners to enhance its local sales network and deliver an immersive user experience.

7月に, Zeekr had previously announced its partnership with Israeli distributor Union Group to establish a distribution network in Israel. The launch of Zeekr 001 and Zeekr X in Israel is planned, with pre-sales and deliveries expected to begin in the fourth quarter.

Before expanding into the Middle East and Israel, Zeekr had already announced its entry into Sweden, オランダ, カザフスタン, and Germany. The company is on track to be present in a total of six European countries by 2024 and anticipates extending its international presence to eight countries by 2025.

It’s noteworthy that Zeekr adopts a direct sales model in Europe, Nioに類似 (ニューヨーク証券取引所: ニオ), while adopting a traditional dealership model in the Middle East.

ジークル, で設立 2021, 第1弾モデルを発売, Zeekrの 001, 4月に中国で 15, 2021, with deliveries commencing in October 2021. Its second model, Zeekrの 009 MPVの, was launched on November 1, 2022, 1月より納車開始 15. Zeekr introduced its third model, Zeekr X(ジーカーエックス), on April 12, and deliveries began in China on June 12.