
Zeekr Expands Reach into the Philippine Market Through Partnership with Autohub Group

Zeekr Collaborates with Local Dealer to Explore the Philippine Market - News - 1

吉利 Holding Group’s premium electric vehicle (電気自動車) 子会社, ジークル, is set to introduce the ジークル 001 そして ジーカーX models in the Philippines following a collaboration with Autohub Group, 有名なフィリピンのディーラー. パートナーシップ, 3月正式化 4 in Hangzhou, aims to strengthen Zeekr’s international presence.

Anticipated for launch in the second quarter, Zeekrの 001 and Zeekr X will enter the Philippine market with local pre-sales and deliveries. The inaugural Zeekr Space in the Philippines is slated to open in the first half of 2024, strategically positioned in Manila’s business and financial center.

In expanding its global footprint, Zeekr has adopted various market entry strategies, establishing directly managed stores in some regions while forming partnerships with local dealers in others. Having successfully entered the European market in June 2023, Zeekr commenced vehicle deliveries in December and established several directly operated stores on the continent.

Beyond Europe, ジークル has penetrated markets such as Kazakhstan, シンガポール, and the Middle East through collaborative ventures with local dealers. によって 2024, Zeekr aims to have a cumulative presence in six European countries, with plans to extend its international footprint to eight countries and territories by 2025.

で 2023, Zeekr achieved a remarkable milestone by delivering 118,685 車, をマークする 64.98 前年比増加率. 今後の展望, the company has set an ambitious goal for 2024, targeting the delivery of 230,000 車, doubling its 2023 計数, as confirmed by a company spokesperson in January.