Xpengのモナプロジェクト: ブランディングとEVイノベーションの新たなフロンティアを開拓

Xpeng’s CEO has revealed that the initiation of the Mona initiative marks the genesis of a potential second, あるいは3番目, 小鵬傘下のブランド. このブランドは、企業顧客だけでなく、幅広い消費者を戦略的に対象としています.

Xpeng's Mona Project: Pioneering a New Frontier in Branding and EV Innovation - Car News - 1

Following the announcement of a strategic partnership with Didi Global, ‘s Chairman and CEO, 何暁鵬, emphasized that the covertly named Mona project sets the stage for an array of forthcoming brands.

He Xiaopeng conveyed that the Mona project signifies the inauguration of Xpeng’s second, or possibly third, brand iteration. This brand will cater predominantly to individual consumers while also extending its reach to the corporate sphere. His remarks, made during a press interaction subsequent to the partnership declaration, were reported by local media outlet Sina Tech.

He Xiaopeng expressed strong confidence in the competitive prowess of the Mona model, envisioning its annual sales to potentially surpass the 100,000 unit benchmark, if not considerably exceed it.

In his assessment, there lies significant opportunity within the A-class market segment, capable of magnifying the scale and intrinsic value of automotive intelligence.

He revealed that the core variant of the Mona model will feature advanced autonomous driving capabilities, complemented by select variants designed for shared mobility applications.

Through the collaborative alliance with Didi, Xpeng’s objective revolves around crafting high-demand models within the RMB 150,000 ($20,595) 価格帯, while also integrating NGP (ナビゲーションガイドパイロット) functionality.

The Mona model, previously under development by Didi, will leverage substantial elements of Xpeng’s SEPA 2.0 建築. He Xiaopeng affirmed that Xpeng will leverage Didi’s groundwork to finalize the model’s development, facilitate mass production, and orchestrate sales.

今日の早い段階で, Xpeng disclosed its agreement with Didi, signifying its intention to acquire the assets pertaining to Didi’s electric vehicle development venture. This strategic move is set to herald the emergence of a novel EV brand christened Mona, slated for a debut in 2024.

The maiden offering of the Mona initiative will take the form of an A-class intelligent electric vehicle, slated for launch in 2024. It is imperative to note that this novel model and brand will maintain clear differentiation from the existing Xpeng-branded products and the core brand, as elucidated by the company.

In conjunction with the collaboration, a performance-driven incentive structure is envisaged, tied to the production volume of the Mona brand, as well as the volume targets achieved by Didi. These achievements will render Didi eligible for share-based incentives.

To operationalize this incentive framework, Xpeng has identified two distinct performance milestones, each pegged at a maximum of 180,000 eligible new vehicle deliveries.