最近の調査から得られた洞察は、Xpeng G6の顧客人口統計に光を当てます

約 29% の G6 owners conducted a comparison between the car and the テスラ モデルY, つつ 9% 車購入決定時にNio ES6と比較した.

6月に 29, 鵬 (ニューヨーク証券取引所: ティッカー) 中国でG6モデルの発売に成功, marking the commencement of deliveries on July 10.

Insights from Recent Survey Shed Light on Xpeng G6's Customer Demographics - Car News - 1

The introduction of the SUV played a pivotal role in revitalizing Xpeng’s sales performance. An ongoing survey has now shed light on the primary competitors of the G6 and the typical owner profile.

Among the initial group of G6 owners, a survey conducted by local consultancy firm Land Roads revealed that 29% of respondents cited the Tesla (ナスダック: ティッカー) Model Y as their main comparison during the purchase process.

The survey was carried out in August and targeted G6 customers across 33 cities who had either received their deliveries or had confirmed orders. The sample size was validated at 102 respondents.

Xpeng had earlier stressed the Model Y as the G6’s most direct rival, although the G6 comes at a lower price point than Tesla’s SUV.

実際に, the G6 is available in five configurations with initial prices ranging from RMB 209,900 ($28,820) 人民元へ 276,900. The Model Y, 一方, comes in three versions in China, RMBの開始価格 263,900, 人民元 299,900, と人民元 349,900, それぞれ.

The decision to opt for the G6 over the Model Y was primarily rooted in factors such as its advanced cabin features, 安楽, interior quality, driver assistance capabilities, and purchase cost.

Beyond the Model Y, the second-most referenced option among G6 buyers was Nio’s (ニューヨーク証券取引所: ニオ) ES6 SUV, で 9% indicating such a comparison at the time of purchase.

The new ES6 was launched on May 24 and enters the market with a base price of RMB 338,000.

During the car selection process, 8% of G6 owners considered Zeekr’s Zeekr 001 シューティングブレーキ, 6% deliberated on BYD’s Han EV, そして 5% explored Deepal’s S7.

A uniform 4% of G6 owners compared the Zeekr X, Nio ET5, and Tesla Model 3.

The earliest G6 adopters have an average age of 32.6 月日. その中で, ザ 26 to 30-year-old bracket accounts for the largest share at 36%, as outlined by Land Roadsfindings.

The majority of G6 owners, 頃 75%, are married. このうち、, 30% have no children, 33% have children aged between 0 そして 6 years old, そして 30% have children in primary school.

その上, 87% of these owners hold at least a bachelor’s degree, つつ 27% have pursued a master’s or doctoral degree.

Scrutinizing the occupations of G6 owners, 27% are engaged in the information technology, computer, and software sector, 12% work in finance, そして 11% are employed in manufacturing.

Out of the 102 owners surveyed, 48% were first-time car buyers, 27% were making an additional vehicle purchase, そして 25% engaged in trade-ins.

For their households, 28% were newcomers to car ownership, 42% were expanding their vehicle collection, そして 29% relied on trade-ins.

Among the households pursuing additional purchases and trade-ins, 40% had prior experience with Japanese automobile brands. それに対して, the combined ownership of BMW, メルセデス・ベンツ, and Audi amounted to 7%.

The average budget allocated by these owners for their purchase was RMB 252,000, with the largest proportion, 53%, falling within the RMB 250,000 人民元へ 300,000 範囲.

The decision-making period for buying the car averaged around 2.3 月, with nearly half of respondents, 頃 50%, finalizing their decision within a month.

Of the various attributes offered by the G6, the XNGP assisted driving function emerged as the most significant driver of sales.

Out of the 102 surveyed owners, 87% highlighted XNGP as the most compelling selling point, つつ 84% recognized the vehicle’s range and 83% appreciated the 800 Vプラットフォーム.

全, these owners awarded the G6 a mean score of 4.5, indicative of a level between satisfaction and strong satisfaction. They expressed the highest contentment with the vehicle’s intelligence, earning it a score of 4.9, followed by interior space at 4.8.

一方, appearance garnered the lowest satisfaction score at 3.6, trailed by the service experience with a score of 3.9.