ホルゴス港経由の自動車輸出: 物流プロセスと国境を越えた貿易のダイナミクス

9月の最後の知識更新の時点で 2021, ホルゴス港, also known as Khorgos Gateway, is a major cross-border port located in the Khorgos city of Kazakhstan, near the China-Kazakhstan border.

Exporting Automobiles via Khorgos Port: Logistics Process and Cross-Border Trade Dynamics - Logistics - 1

(画像: ホルゴス港)

It is part of the Khorgos Special Economic Zone and serves as a significant hub for cross-border trade between China and Central Asia.

It’s important to note that trade processes and logistics can evolve, so the information provided here might have changed since then.

しかし, I can give you a general overview of how the logistics process for exporting automobiles from Khorgos Port in China might typically work:

  1. Preparation and Documentation: Exporters need to ensure that all required documentation is in order. This includes the commercial invoice, packing list, bill of lading, 原産地証明書, export license (該当する場合), and any other required permits or certificates.
  2. Customs Clearance in China: Before exporting, the vehicles must go through customs clearance in China. Exporters need to submit the necessary documentation and provide accurate information about the vehicles being exported. Customs authorities will verify the details and approve the export.
  3. Transportation to Khorgos Port: Once customs clearance is completed, the vehicles are transported from their origin within China to Khorgos Port. This can involve land transportation by truck or rail, depending on the location of the exporter and the mode of transportation chosen.
  4. Arrival at Khorgos Port: Upon arrival at Khorgos Port, the vehicles are subjected to customs inspection and documentation checks on the Kazakhstani side. Customs officials will verify the documentation and inspect the vehicles to ensure they match the declared details.
  5. Customs Clearance in Kazakhstan: Similar to the process in China, the vehicles need to go through customs clearance on the Kazakhstani side. Import duties, 税, and any other applicable fees need to be paid at this stage. The customs authorities will confirm the compliance of the imported vehicles with local regulations.
  6. Temporary Import/Export Procedures: Depending on the nature of the trade and agreements between the two countries, vehicles might be temporarily imported into Kazakhstan or China for exhibition, testing, or other purposes. Temporary import/export procedures will apply in such cases.
  7. Transportation to Final Destination: After customs clearance is completed in Kazakhstan and any other necessary procedures are finalized, the vehicles can be transported to their final destination within Kazakhstan or other Central Asian countries.
  8. Registration and Finalization: If the vehicles are intended for sale within Kazakhstan or other Central Asian markets, they will need to go through local registration processes and potentially meet specific standards and regulations.

It’s important to emphasize that the logistics process can vary based on trade agreements, regulations, customs procedures, およびその他の要因. かつ, as trade dynamics change over time, it’s recommended to consult with trade experts, logistics professionals, and relevant authorities for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the logistics process for exporting automobiles from Khorgos Port.

中国における自動車is an automobile export trading company from China. The automobiles are directly purchased from the factory and provide relevant quotations of EXW/FOB/CIP for customers.