中国の自動車輸出が急増 120% 1月から5月までの前年比

China's Complete Automobile Exports Surge by 120% YoY from January to May - Trade News - 1

中国汽車工業協会は4日、1月から5月にかけてのことを明らかにした。 2023, 中国輸出 1.933 100万台の完成自動車, 前年比での増加 79.8%; the export value of complete vehicles increased by 1.2 times year-on-year.

中国汽車工業協会によると、, 5月に 2023, the export volume of China’s complete automobiles will increase slightly month-on-month and maintain rapid growth year-on-year.

5月に 2023, 中国輸出 438,000 complete automobiles, の増加 3.2% month-on-month and 92.8% 前年比; the export value of complete vehicles increased by 8.8% month-on-month and 1.2 times year-on-year.

5月に 2023, among the main export models of China’s automobiles, the export volume of pure electric vehicles (except passenger cars with 10 seats and above), sedans, passenger cars, and trucks ranked the top four. Compared with the previous month, pure electric vehicles ( The export volume of passenger cars with 10 seats and above) and trucks increased rapidly, and the export volume of cars and passenger cars both declined slightly; compared with the same period of the previous year, the export volumes of the above four categories all showed varying degrees of growth. The above four categories account for 90.2% of China’s total automobile exports.

From January to May 2023, among the main export models of China’s automobiles, compared with the same period of the previous year, the export volume of the four main categories of pure electric vehicles, passenger cars, cars and trucks maintained varying degrees of growth, of which the growth rate of pure electric vehicles more significant. The four categories mentioned above account for 91.2% of China’s total automobile exports.