BYDが達成 5 新エネルギー車100万台が最新生産でマイルストーンに
8月9日の起工式で, 比亜迪 marked an unprecedented achievement as their 5 100万台目の新エネルギー車が組立ラインから優雅にロールオフ. この目覚ましい偉業は、BYDをパイオニアとして位置づけるだけでなく、世界を舞台にした中国ブランドの刺激的な進化を強調するものでもある. The occasion was highlighted by a press conference led by Wang Chuanfu, the Chairman and President of BYD Co., 株式 会社. He expressed profound gratitude to the extensive network that contributed to this achievement: from the 5 million new energy vehicle users and government entities to media partners, collaborators along the supply chain, fellow entrepreneurs, and the vast workforce of over 600,000 employees.

(画像: BYDデンザN7)
Wang Chuanfu’s address was a testament to the enduring journey of BYD over the years, during which it navigated the landscape of Chinese auto brands. The company’s innovative approach garnered recognition and applause, reaffirming its pivotal role in shaping the industry.
At the event, Wang Chuanfu was joined by the esteemed speaker Luo Zhenyu, founder of the popular app “Friends of Time”, who had the privilege of presenting the 5 100万台目の新エネルギー車 – デンザN7. Luo Zhenyu, as a proud owner of the Tengshi N7, expressed deep honor in representing this significant milestone. He acknowledged BYD’s unwavering commitment to probing the realms of new energy and Chinese automotive technology, embodying the concept of “friends of time”.
BYD’s journey, spanning two decades, has been characterized by early engagement and advocacy in the realm of new energy vehicles. Despite initial skepticism and resistance, BYD boldly ventured into uncharted territory, persistently championing technological innovation. で 11 research institutes, オーバー 90,000 dedicated R&D personnel, and an astounding R&D investment exceeding 100 10億元, BYD exemplifies a commitment to progress. A testament to this commitment is the submission of an average of 19 patent applications daily, resulting in 15 patent authorizations. Noteworthy breakthroughs like the blade battery, DM hybrid technology, CTB battery-body integration, Yi Sifang, and cloud car have revolutionized the new energy vehicle industry, marking a transformative trajectory.
実際に, China takes the lead in new energy vehicle exports globally, 以上で 60% of the world’s production occurring within its borders. A staggering 70% of global new energy vehicle patent disclosures emanate from China, alongside a remarkable contribution of over 63% to the world’s power battery supply. This consolidation of core technologies and a comprehensive industrial ecosystem has propelled China into an unparalleled position as a new energy vehicle powerhouse.
Foreseeing an irreversible trajectory, Wang Chuanfu predicted that by 2025, new energy vehicles would constitute over 60% of the Chinese market, and domestic auto brands would capture a 70% 市場占有率, marking a monumental leap in progress. Bolstered by a strong foundation, China stands poised to forge world-class auto brands, contributing significantly to the global automotive landscape.
In summation, BYD’s achievement of producing the world’s first 5 million new energy vehicle serves as a testament not only to BYD but to the collective strength of Chinese auto brands. The vision moving forward is one of unity, as BYD and its contemporaries collaborate to establish esteemed world-class brands, infusing the global auto industry with the transformative prowess of Chinese innovation.
BYD Qin L DM-i hybrid
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