Xpeng lance le projet Jupiter’ attirer des concessionnaires dans son réseau de vente

Xpeng (NYSE: XPEV) a officiellement lancé son projet Jupiter’ visant à recruter des concessionnaires pour son réseau de vente, confirmant les rapports antérieurs du mois dernier. Since the project’s launch, Xpeng a reçu un impressionnant 1,200+ les demandes des concessionnaires potentiels qui souhaitent rejoindre son système de vente, comme annoncé par le véhicule électrique chinois (EV) manufacturer on Weibo today.

Xpeng Launches 'Jupiter Project' to Attract Dealers to Its Sales Network - Car News - 1

While Xpeng did not specify the exact launch date of the Jupiter Project, it was initially reported by local media outlet LatePost on September 14. The project, unveiled at a dealer conference on September 2, seeks to entice prominent dealer groups into Xpeng’s expanding sales ecosystem.

LatePost’s report aptly noted that Jupiter is the planet in our solar system with the strongest gravitational pull and the most moons.

Xpeng’s dealer recruitment drive has reached across 230 Villes, avec 34% of applications originating from dealers ranking among the top 100 en Chine, selon le communiqué de l’entreprise.

Throughout August and September, Xpeng granted approvals for 107 franchise stores, marking significant progress in its expansion strategy.

Xpeng’s sales network will encompass both directly-managed stores and authorized dealerships, operating on a “1+N” sales channel model. The company has set specific criteria for potential dealership stores, mandating locations in prominent automotive shopping districts with a minimum area of 1,000 square meters and showrooms spanning no less than 300 mètres carrés, as indicated in promotional materials released today.

Priority will be given to dealerships with registered capital exceeding RMB 10 million, annual automotive business revenue surpassing RMB 100 million, and a gearing ratio of under 70 pour cent.

Xpeng originally followed a direct sales model when it first emerged, with its initial 20 stores being company-operated. Toutefois, en avril 2019, shortly after delivering its inaugural production vehicle, the G3, the company announced its openness to dealers and service providers joining its network. Depuis lors, Xpeng has maintained a sales system comprised of both directly-managed and dealer-operated stores, emphasizing order-based sales without dealer inventory and uniform retail pricing.

À partir du mois de juin 30, Xpeng’s sales network included a total of 411 stores, as disclosed in the company’s Q2 earnings report on August 18. Toutefois, a breakdown between directly-managed and dealer-operated stores was not provided.

Le mois de septembre 11, another local media outlet, Jiemian, reported that Xpeng was in the process of phasing out inefficient directly-managed stores while expanding the number of dealer-operated outlets.