L’engagement de Tesla envers la précision: La vision de Musk pour l’excellence de la fabrication de Cybertruck

In a recent development reported by TESLARATI, Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk has underscored the paramount importance of precision in the manufacturing of the Cybertruck electric pickup. Musk’s internal email to Tesla employees highlighted the meticulous efforts underway at the Texas factory to refine and perfect the Cybertruck.


Tesla's Commitment to Precision: Musk's Vision for Cybertruck Manufacturing Excellence - Car News - 1

Musk’s email conveyed, “Given the distinctive design of the Cybertruck with its straight sides and polished metal exterior, even the slightest dimensional variations would be readily apparent. Every aspect of the Cybertruck, whether it’s internal components or parts sourced from suppliers, must adhere to a sub-10 micron precision standard.

He elaborated, “This entails measuring all component dimensions down to millimeters to three decimal places, with tolerances held to single-digit microns. If everyday items like low-cost LEGO bricks and soda cans can meet these standards, so can we.

Musk emphasized, “Precision serves as the foundation for achieving perfection.

The innovative inverted triangle structure and distinctive body shape of the Cybertruck pose unique challenges for Tesla’s manufacturing process. Plus tôt cette année, leaked internal documents reported by the GermanBusiness Daily” (Handelsblatt) shed light on the alpha prototype of the Cybertruck and the hurdles encountered while exploring mass production procedures.

Among the challenges faced with the Cybertruck alpha prototype was ensuring proper body sealing and controlling noise levels. The leaked documents indicated that Tesla resorted to manual sealing for the Cybertruck prototype. Regarding the production version of the Cybertruck, the documents stated, “Clear sealing solutions are lacking in several aspects.

The sealing process during the alpha phase of the Cybertruck resulted in cockpit noise issues. Engineers noted in their assessment that the alpha prototype exhibited significantly more noise than initially anticipated during the design phase. Testers identified no fewer than 21 potential sources of noise leaks in the Cybertruck’s body.

With the recent unveiling of numerous Cybertrucks rolling out of Tesla’s Texas facility, it appears that Tesla has largely overcome the initial production challenges associated with the pickup. A recent communication from Musk indicated that Tesla is presently fine-tuning the manufacturing process of the Cybertruck to ensure excellence.