Le moteur MG de SAIC pour construire une usine et une&D Center au Mexique

SAIC’s MG Motor to Build Manufacturing Plant and R&D Center au Mexique

SAIC's MG Motor to Construct Plant and R&D Center in Mexico - News - 1

SAIC Motor’s Moteur MG plans to construct a manufacturing plant and research and development (R&D) au Mexique pour soutenir sa croissance et son expansion en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, according to a statement from MG Mexico’s head, Zhang Wei.

The establishment of the plant in Mexico aims to position the country as a strategic hub for SAIC Group and MG Motor’s regional operations. This move will enable MG not only to manufacture vehicles but also to develop market-specific insights tailored to Latin American needs, Zhang Wei stated.

MG’s sister brand, IM Motors, also intends to enter the Mexican market, further strengthening the company’s presence in the region.

MG joins a growing list of automakers considering Mexico for new plants. Plus tôt cette année, Bloomberg reported that BYD, a leading electric vehicle (EV) fabricant, sent a delegation to the Mexican state of Jalisco to explore building an EV plant there. BYD also recently launched its BYD Shark pickup truck in Mexico, marking one of the few occasions the company has introduced a new model outside its home market.

MG, known for its Morris Garages heritage, is a vehicle brand owned by Shanghai-based SAIC. L’année dernière, MG unveiled its first locally produced New MG4 Electric Thailand Edition, marking the brand’s first EV manufactured in Thailand. De plus, en mars, Indian steelmaker JSW Group announced the formation of a joint venture with SAIC, JSW MG Motor India Pvt Ltd, to produce MG-branded EVs in India.

In related news, Spanish news outlet Europa Press reported that MG is considering establishing its first EV plant in Europe, specifically in Galicia, Espagne. A final decision is expected by September 30, with the goal of commencing production at the European facility in the fourth quarter of 2027.

These moves underscore the growing international presence of MG and SAIC Group as they seek to expand their global footprint, particularly in emerging markets.