Le marché automobile russe se redresse fortement, Déferlant par 50% — Rapports de l’Association de l’industrie

Russe Car Market Records 50% Récupération, Les ventes atteignent près de 440,000 Unités

Russian Car Market Makes a Strong Recovery, Surging by 50% — Industry Association Reports - Russia - 1

MOSCOW, Juillet 19. Le marché automobile russe a connu une reprise significative, De plus en plus 50%, selon le président de l’Association russe des concessionnaires automobiles, Alekseï Podschekoldin, lors d’une conférence de presse mercredi.

The current situation indicates that the market has rebounded by 50% only,” stated the expert. “We have not seen a full recovery in terms of cars, trucks, or LCVs (light commercial vehicles),” he added.

Based on the data presented at the press conference, sales of new cars reached almost 440,000 units in the first half of 2023. Of these, 40% were indigenously produced vehicles, amounting to 176,300 Unités, pendant que 39% (172,800 Voitures) were imported from China. Cars from brands that have exited the Russian market accounted for 20%, Totalisant 89,100 véhicule. Dans 2022, Russia witnessed the sale of 687,400 Voitures.

Regarding the truck market, it experienced an 80% recovery, primarily due to the surge in imports of trucks, according to the president of the association.