يشاع أن Xiaomi ستدخل سوق EREV حيث يستكشف مصنعو السيارات الكهربائية الصينيون خيارات هجينة لزيادة المبيعات

Xiaomi’s السيارة الكهربائية (EV) تقسيم, الشركة التابعة لعملاق الهواتف الذكية الصيني, يقال إنها تستعد لتصنيع سيارات كهربائية طويلة المدى (EREVs) استجابة للاتجاه المتزايد بين مصنعي السيارات الكهربائية المحليين للاستفادة من سوق أوسع.

Xiaomi Rumored to Enter the EREV Market as Chinese EV Manufacturers Explore Hybrid Options to Drive Sales - Car News - 1

وفقا لتقرير صادر عن وسائل الإعلام المحلية 36kr, Xiaomi’s automotive unit has made the strategic decision to venture into the development of EREVs, with plans for related products already in the pipeline. This information comes from sources familiar with the matter.

Xiaomi is currently in the process of advancing its multi-generation vehicle platforms, with the first generation set to debut next year, as per the report’s sources. The second generation of platform models is scheduled for a 2025 أفرج, and the introduction of EREV models may follow this second-generation platform, depending on its current development progress.

The report also highlights that Xiaomi’s EV division is actively recruiting talent, including engineers specializing in EREV system development, fuel systems, and exhaust systems.

In addition to Xiaomi, زيكر, which was previously known for offering only Battery Electric Vehicle (بيف) نماذج, is also planning to enter the EREV market, according to 36kr’s report.

Under current Chinese policy, مركبات الطاقة الجديدة (سيارات الطاقة الجديدة), encompassing both BEVs and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (السيارات الكهربائية الهجينة القابلة للتوصيل بمصدر كهرباء), enjoy equal support with purchase tax exemptions, except in select cities like Beijing and Shanghai, where PHEVs are treated similarly to traditional internal combustion engine cars.

Compared to BEVs, السيارات الكهربائية الهجينة القابلة للتوصيل بمصدر كهرباء, including EREVs, are considered to eliminate range anxiety entirely, making them more appealing to the average consumer and creating more market opportunities.

لى السيارات, a prominent Chinese automaker in the EREV sector, recently achieved a milestone by delivering 36,060 vehicles in September, marking its sixth consecutive month of record-high sales.

علاوة على ذلك, several EV startups like Leapmotor and Neta have also ventured into the EREV segment, with Leapmotor experiencing a notable boost in sales after introducing such models.

تكنولوجيا أفاتر, an EV brand backed by CATL, هواوي, and Changan Automobile, secured a patent in May related to refueling ports, indicating potential plans to expand its product lineup to include internal combustion engine models.

This shift towards EREVs reflects a broader trend in the automotive industry, with many brands, aside from Tesla, looking to diversify their offerings beyond BEVs in order to maintain steady sales, as highlighted in the 36kr report.