BYD تأخذ زمام المبادرة, تليها فولكس فاجن وتويوتا: السيارات الأكثر مبيعا في الصين في يونيو 2023
وفقا للبيانات الصادرة عن جمعية سيارات الركاب الصينية (سي بي سي إيه), شهد سوق السيارات الصيني بيع 1.894 مليون سيارة جديدة في مايو 2023. This represents an 8% increase compared to May 2022, but a 2% decrease from June 2022. Among these sales, 448,000 vehicles were electric vehicles (المركبات الكهربائية), بينما 217,000 were plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (السيارات الكهربائية الهجينة القابلة للتوصيل بمصدر كهرباء), collectively known as new energy vehicles (سيارات الطاقة الجديدة). تم احتساب NEVs 35% من إجمالي المبيعات.
In terms of market share, بي واي دي emerged as the top-selling auto brand in China, بيع 220,600 vehicles and capturing an 11.65% الحصة السوقية. Volkswagen secured the second position, بيع 192,070 cars and holding a market share of 10.14%. تويوتا claimed the third spot with 157,140 cars sold, accounting for an 8.30% الحصة السوقية. تلقت هوندا عن كثب في المركز الرابع, بيع 112,867 vehicles and possessing a market share of 5.96%. Changan rounded out the top five, بيع 85,248 cars and holding a market share of 4.50%.
لا سيما, تسلا witnessed a surge in sales due to large-scale deliveries at the end of the quarter, propelling it to the sixth position in the Chinese market.
Within the Chinese NEVs market, BYD established a strong presence in both the EV and PHEV segments. BYD maintained its leadership in the pure EV market, بيع 110,219 vehicles and commanding a substantial 24.60% الحصة السوقية. Tesla ranked second with 74,212 cars sold, accounting for a market share of 16.57%. جي أي سي أيون secured the third position with 45,013 المركبات المباعة, capturing a market share of 10.05%. Wuling and تشانجان were among the top-selling pure electric brands, occupying the fourth and fifth positions.
Analyzing popular models in the Chinese market, ال تسلا موديل واي emerged as the best-selling vehicle with 51,471 الوحدات المباعة, followed by the BYD Qin Plus with 38,197 الوحدات, and the Nissan Sylphy with 31,054 مركبات. These models showcased strong sales performance and reflected significant consumer demand in the market.